Lindfield Arts Festival / Opportunities / Mon 18 Mar 2013
Arts & Crafts Festival - Search for participants...

During the 2013 Lindfield Arts Festival, the main visual and applied art space will be situated at the United Reformed Church in the centre of Lindfield High Street.
We welcome applications for artists and designers to showcase their work in a gallery style setting on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th May. We are looking for artists, photographers, sculptors and makers!
On the common, within our exciting 'Festival Village', we will feature other artists and craftspeople, also held Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th May.
•All artists and crafts persons will exhibit under the same roof - the United Reform Church (URC) on the High Street in Lindfield. The Crafts group will have their own designated room with the URC complex.
•The URC will also be a venue for concerts, an exhibition by local school children and a variety of art workshops.
•There will be a private view on the Friday evening, followed by a full day on Saturday and half a day on Sunday.
•Information about all exhibitors will be included on the website (www.lindfieldartsfestival.com) and in the festival brochure (as long as it is submitted by the deadline - 18th March 2013)
•The cost of a stall is £50 which will include all the above.
Entrance to the URC and Festival Village is free.
For more information please visit the website. Here, you can register your details and we will send you more information regarding the arts & crafts festival
For more information visit http://www.lindfieldartsfestival.com/about/festival-activities/arts-crafts-festival/
Opportunity Location
Lindfield, West Sussex
Email: enquiries@lindfieldartsfestival.com
Website: http://www.lindfieldartsfestival.com/about/festival-activities/arts-crafts-festival/