Lime Square / Events / Sat 01 Jan to Sun 31 Jul 2011 (7 months)
Turned Wood by Chris Pooley

After leaving school Chris studied wood machining and bench work at Plymouth College of Further Education. It was during this time that his love for wood developed.
Although Chris enjoys working with wood it is wood turning that he really enjoys. Wood turning is unique in that the wood is turning and the tool presented to it, no other wood machine works in this way.
Chris is self taught and started with a small drill powered lathe but now works from a large workshop where he stores and converts the timber to suitable wood turning pieces. The vast majority of Chris' work is created from 95% native wood and mostly supplied by local tree surgeons which they provide from their daily work or storm damaged trees.
Chris is always amazed at what can be found under a bark covered log, the colour, grain and figuring that is revealed during the wood turning process is fascinating.