Operating on a charitable basis, Letchworth Settlementis an independent adult education centre has been established for nearly 100 years offering a diverse range of courses, workshops and specialist lectures.
From contemporary sculpture to cake decorating, modern languages and literature, The Settlement strives to provide a supportive learning environment for its students.
As well as the more established 12 week courses we offer a range of workshops and one-off events aimed at those busy individuals looking to expand their thinking whilst juggling a busy schedule.
Our new brochure is released in June each year and details the subjects and courses that we offer.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
View my website http://www.letchworthsettlement.org.uk/
My Location
Letchworth Settlement
229 Nevells Road
Letchworth Garden City
Telephone: 01462 682 828
Email: info@letchworthsettlement.org.uk
Website: http://www.letchworthsettlement.org.uk/
Icing animals and more / Thu 13 Jul 2017
Icing animals and more Thursday 13th July 7.15-9.15pm £20 including materials This sugar craft workshop is for those who want to be taught how to ...
From the Hands of Heroes: The story of the St Paul’s Cathedral / Mon 19 Jun 2017
Monday 19th June 2.00 – 3.30pm £7 Currently on display at St Paul’s Cathedral is a beautifully embroidered altar frontal that was created in the la...
Creative Writing with Rosemary Hayes / Fri 16 Jun 2017
Creative Writing with Rosemary Hayes This full day workshop is not only a follow up for students who have already completed the five week course ‘W...