Laurapakora Design / News / Wed 05 Dec 2012
Reading Challenge 2011 Information Design

Ok, this has been a long time in the making, but I had a wedding to plan this year
Last year I started a challenge to read at least 30 books. I love reading, I love books, and recently I haven’t been putting enough spare time aside to read. I used to read an awful lot, not just books and journals for my University course, but also books on my hobbies and interests, and of course, a whole lot of fiction. I am a bit of a SciFi fan, I love a bit of Fantasy but I also like to pick up new authors and genres that i have never read before.
I signed up to Goodreads, and thought I’d try a 30 books in a year challenge. On Goodreads you can keep track of books you have read, and books you would like to read, see what other peple are reading and what they think, find lists of books worth reading (or not), and add your own reviews. this go me thinking and I decided to record what I read and when, and create something at the end of the year as a bit of a project for myself, and an exercise in information design.
For more information visit http://laurapakoradesign.prosite.com/32270/928812/gallery/new-reading-challenge-information-design-2011/