Lafay Lafay's Vision
Digital artist Regina Lafay is widely known in the psychiatric and medical industry, as well as child advocacy and abuse support groups. Her images have appeared in such films as Dreamworks' The Ring Two, and in publications worldwide. The universal message in her work: You are not alone.
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My News
Lafay takes part in International Arts Relay / Sun 22 May 2011
The Ghost People is set to begin its performing arts relay for human rights in Italy on May 22, 2011. I am proud to say I was invited to participate a...
Fine art paper and canvas prints now available from Lafay. / Wed 27 Oct 2010
Just in time for your Christmas shopping, Lafay prints are once again available. Check out the variety of papers and framing available. http://ReginaL...
My Friends
Peter Stride / Sculptor / Designer
James Derwin / Contemporary Artist
Nicholas Bellamy / Sculptor