Kirklees Culture Declares / Events / Thu 12 Mar 2020
Inner Planet Project - Presentation & Discussion

Kirklees Culture Declares will host this presentation and public discussion in the Pop-up Climate Emergency Hub
The InnerPlanet Project is a voluntary co-creation collective building a carbon tracker technology through open-source collaboration. It uses technology to show us the effects from the aggregate impacts of our individual and communal behaviour, automating data collation and creating visualisations demonstrating our effect if everyone lived this way. This is to inspire individual action and empower behaviour change.
InnerProject Co-Creator, Anna-Marie Byrne will present the InnerPlanet application, asking us to look at our own lifestyles, consider our own pathways to zero carbon, and where we might need to change. Importantly, Anna-Marie will invite discussion on the usefulness / limits of this approach in the context of the wider Climate Emergency.
FREE Event. 12 noon - 2pm. All Welcome. @KDeclares @InnerPlanetNow
For more information visit https://www.innerplanet.world/
Event Location
Pop-up Climate Emergency Hub
The Piazza
Opposite Huddersfield Library,
Princess Alexandra Walk,
Telephone: 07534 116 627
Email: kirkleesdeclares@posteo.net
Website: https://www.innerplanet.world/