Kirklees Culture Declares Kirklees Culture Declares Emergency
We are a local network of individuals and organisations in the Arts and Culture sector, part of the global movement Culture Declares Emergency. We pledge to work with and support our community and local government in tackling the Climate & Ecological Emergency and we call on others to do the same.
View my website https://www.culturedeclares.org/
My Location
16 Foxglove Road
Telephone: 07534 116 627
Email: kirkleesdeclares@posteo.org
Website: https://www.culturedeclares.org/
Rethinking the Piazza / Wed 07 Oct 2020
1800 - 1900, Wednesday, 7 October 2020. In collaboration with Same Skies Think Tank, this is a walk-and-talk, socially distanced outdoor event. F...
Art, Ecology, Emergency: Sustaining Practice / Wed 17 Jun 2020
Wednesday 17 June 2020, 11.00-12.30 and 19.30-21.00 This two-part event will explore the intersections of artistic practice and ecology, bringing t...
Indigenous Cultures: Representation and Mis-Representation / Wed 27 May 2020
1100 - 1230, Wednesday 27th May 2020 In the global response to climate and ecological emergency, indigenous communities are very much on the front ...