Kirklees Concert Season / Opportunities / Mon 20 Jul 2020
Tragedy: Opera North’s production of La Traviata

Available now on BBC iPlayer, Tragedy, a newly released film by Lynne Marsh, captures the fascinating backstage world at Opera North in real time during a live performance of La traviata in 2015.
Follow the link below to uncover this parallel narrative and find out what happens outside of the audience’s usual view...
For more information visit https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p08hv3rk/tragedy-opera-norths-production-of-la-traviata?utm_campaign=1929310_260620OperaNorthAtHome13&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Opera%20North&utm_content=Text%3A%20Tragedy&dm_t=0,0,0,0,0