Kirklees Concert Season / News / Mon 25 Oct 2021
The Snail and the Whale with Live Orchestra

If you're thinking about booking a family treat this Christmas, how about experiencing the wonder of storytelling and live music with 'The Snail and the Whale' and 'Stick Man' which will be shown on the big screen at Huddersfield Town Hall accompanied by the Orchestra of Opera North, as part of the Kirklees Concert Season.
'The Snail and the Whale' sees a tiny snail hitch a ride on the tail of a huge humpback whale for a lift around the world and then we embark on another adventure with a happy-go-lucky 'Stick Man' who becomes separated from his family .... will he make it home in time for Christmas?
For full details and to book tickets please visit the website below.
Images © Magic LightPictures Limited 2019
For more information visit https://tickets.kirklees.gov.uk/en-GB/shows/orchestra%20of%20opera%20north%20-%20the%20snail%20and%20the%20whale/events