Kirklees Concert Season / News / Mon 15 Jan 2018
From Hollywood with Love, with Andrew Collins

Thrills, spills, heartache and adventure will be summoned by the Orchestra of Opera North in a blockbuster celebration of the art of the film soundtrack at Huddersfield Town Hall on Thursday 25 January.
Film Editor of the Radio Times and Classic FM’s resident film buff, Andrew Collins is looking forward to guiding audiences through almost a century of symphonic music on the edge of its seat – from the early days of the genre to John Williams' epic themes for Star Wars and Superman:
“Playing two hours of the best film music every week on Classic FM is a dream job. But to host a live show with an ensemble as pre-eminent as the Orchestra of Opera North at a venue as fine as Huddersfield Town Hall is icing on an already iced cake.
“You can tell the story of the 20th century through the film music in this concert. From black-and-white to Technicolor with Korngold’s swashbuckling score for Captain Blood, to Max Steiner’s epic romantic sweep for Gone with the Wind; from the 1950s glamour of Hitchcock’s North By Northwest and Bernard Herrmann’s locomotive score to the crowd-pleasing fanfares of John Williams in the 1970s and 80s.
“There’s something magical about hearing North by Northwest in Huddersfield, the birthplace of James Mason. He proved an urbane villain in the film, chasing Cary Grant’s ‘wrong man’ from New York to Mount Rushmore.”
“Film music has the power to transport us back to the time we first saw a film – that’s certainly true for the Pavlovian response the Star Wars theme invokes in my generation! – and provide a bridge between the present and the past.”
Join Andrew and the Orchestra of Opera North under Swedish conductor Tobias Ringborg for the next orchestral concert in the Kirklees Concert Season: From Hollywood with Love, at Huddersfield Town Hall from 7.30pm on Thursday 25 January.
Tickets are priced from £12 to £26, only £4 for 17–29 year-olds, or just £1 for anyone aged 16 and under.
For more information visit https://tickets.kirklees.gov.uk/en-GB/shows/orchestra%20of%20opera%20north%20-%20from%20hollywood%20with%20love/info
News Location
Huddersfield Town Hall
Ramsden Street
Telephone: 01484 225 755
Email: townhall.tickets@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: https://tickets.kirklees.gov.uk/en-GB/shows/orchestra%20of%20opera%20north%20-%20from%20hollywood%20with%20love/info