Kirklees Concert Season / News / Tue 26 May 2020
Explore opera from a new perspective!

Experience the fascinating world of opera from the other side of the curtain... in double quick time too, as Opera North share some of their incredible timelapses!
Follow the facebook link below to see Samantha Hay's transformation to becoming Opera North’s Queen of the Night from The Magic Flute. The infamous Queen required a dramatic look for her Act I entrance, and a 'distressed' look to mark her weakening power towards the end of the opera...
You can see more timelapses - including a set built in record time, sculpting effigies and the apocalyptic 6-hour final opera from the Ring cycle in 60 seconds in the video section of Creative Kirklees at this link - https://www.creativekirklees.com/media/videos/
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=522030608318224