Kimberley Bevan / News / Fri 18 Apr 2014
Adult Art Classes at Campus West Welwyn garden City

Tuesdays during term time: Art Basic's & Beyond, Campus West, Welwyn Garden, Hertfordshire.
(10am -12pm or 2pm - 4pm).
A exciting and alternative art class for those with a sense of curiosity within the creative disciplines. Every week is a different experience extending your understanding and knowledge of art in stimulating and intriguing way while building excellent foundations and knowledge within a large variety of techniques and academia. Suitable for any ability as support and guidance will be provided along with hand-outs.
The sessions are booked via Campus West by terms (which are approx 12 week groups).
Sept - December, January - April and April to July.
Please e-mail kimberleybevan@yahoo.co.uk for details of the projects and sessions, please note you will need your own materials.
To book go to http://www.welhat.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=324 or phone the box office on 01707 357117.
For more information visit http://kimberleybevan.yolasite.com/workshops-and-websites.php
News Location
Campus West
Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire.
Telephone: 01707 357 117
Email: kimberleybevan@yahoo.co.uk
Website: http://kimberleybevan.yolasite.com/workshops-and-websites.php