This is a poem I wrote about how I turned to god during my hard times:
Its hard to shake hands with a clenched fist,
Stop seeking simpathy everyones story has a twist.
So open that hand to friendship and i'll shake it,
Ask someone for help and i promise you'll make it.
No one can do it alone i've stood where you stand.
Thought it could make it alone, fell apart without a hand.
So here is my out stretched arm take it while you can,
Dont make mistakes like me, from my problems i ran.
You cant get away, around your fragile angles they'll wrap,
As the memories hit you like your fathers slap.
Look here i am as a warning but theres a man on a cross,
Who'll save you as in your restlessness you toss.
So when you think you cant get lower, get on your knees,
Put your clenched fists together and see words come with ease.
Close your eyes tight and cry to the heavens...<3