Kents Cavern Prehistory Caves / Events / Fri 29 May 2015

An art sketching evening underground for those interested in art. Best to have some basic watercolour or drawing experience to get the most from the evening. Price £29.50. A unique opportunity to spend time underground capturing the atmosphere of a place used by humankind for over 500,000 years.
This is an official event of the English Riviera Global Geopark Festival week.
5:30 - 6:00 Familiarisation tour of the caves
6:00 - 6:45 Art tutorial with Mike McDonald
6:45 - 8:30 Sketching time in the caves
8:30 All-You-Can-Eat buffet dinner – vegetarian & gluten-free options.
This is an official event of the English Riviera Global Geopark Festival week.
Mike will supply equipment but he suggests the following kit list:
* An easily portable sketching pad or pads.
* Smooth drawing paper would be an ideal surface.
* Small selection of watercolour tubes or pans.
* Suggested colours – Light Red, Permanent Rose, French Ultramarine,
Phthalo Blue, Raw Sienna, Idigo and Rowney Lemon Yellow or Winsor &
Newton’s Winsor Lemon.
* Please bring your favourite sketching colours too, if not included in list.
* A lightweight mixing palette
* 2B and 4B drawing pencils
* Waterproof black or sepia drawing pens
* Nos 2, 6, and 10 round brushes. 3/4 inch flat brush.
* Again, please bring your favourite weapons of war if not included!
* A bag or pack to carry it all in. The whole lot should be easily portable.
* A small camping stool or chair
* A head-torch or something similar
* Suitable clothing. The temperature in the Caves is around 15C.
For more information visit