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Kelly Pedlar

Kelly Pedlar / Events / Fri 16 Mar 2018

Clay Day 2018 - Life Drawing Happenings figure sculpture session

Clay Day 2018 - Life Drawing Happenings figure sculpture session

It's that time of year! Clay Day is coming....
16th March 2018
@ our Hemel venue, Leverstock Green Village Hall.

If you haven't been before, we have our Life Model in the same pose for the whole session, enabling us to create a clay sculpture from all around the room.

There's a brief intro to clay before we start, so don't worry if you haven't used clay since school!

Coffee and a bit of tuition flowing throughout the day, with a chance to look at our creations before we head home happy.

All work kiln fired and returned to you at a future session.
(It usually takes a couple of weeks to get them all dried and fired)

Bring a sketchbook if you'd like to make a few sketches along the way too. Clay day is a lovely addition to life drawing, it really helps your future drawings too!

Session costs £25 including clay & firing - please do RSVP if you'd like to come along, either by email (RSVP below) or via our Meetup group.

Everyone welcome as always, hope you can make it x

More information over on the website
Don't forget to check out your drawings over on our Facebook page after the session!

For more information visit

Event Location

Leverstock Green Village Hall

Leverstock Green Village Hall

Hemel Hempstead


Event Details
