Katheryn Hope is a Wellbeing and Mindset Coach and a Resonance Repatterning practitioner. She focusses on helping you create a strong, viable, fulfilling creative life by changing your mindset and thereby changing your life. She offers transformational coaching to expand your business and attract more clients. The process of coaching supports you to take positive action towards making a real difference. Coaching can help you identify and achieve your goals and supports you every step of the way towards success. One-to-one sessions in Otterton or via phone or Skype. Contact Katheryn for your free introductory call.
The Seed Coach also offers regular workshops and groups to support this work including women's groups and courses.
View my website http://www.theseedcoach.co.uk/
My Location
The Seed Coach
Budleigh Salterton
Telephone: 01395 568 360
Email: katheryn@theseedcoach.com
Website: http://www.theseedcoach.co.uk/
My News
Discovery Coaching Sessions / Wed 10 Feb 2016
Coaching is a practical way of finding ways to fulfill your potential and make things happen even when you're feeling stuck. Coaching helps you explor...
FIRE IN YOUR HEART / Sun 03 Dec 2017
Wondering where your passion has gone? Feeling overwhelmed with uncertainty? Unsure of how to navigate turbulent time It’s time to find the Fire ...
Find your Star Quality / Sat 24 Jun 2017
An inspiring One day Workshop with Katheryn Hope and Kate Guest. Join us for a wonderful day of nourishment and transformation and get clear on your g...
Talk and demonstration of Resonance Repatterning / Sat 11 Jun 2016
Katheryn Eliane Hope is giving an introduction and group experience of Resonance Repatterning on Sat 11th June 11.45-12.45 at The The Nautilus Rooms, ...