As the PR and marketing agency working hard to increase the profile of Sun-X, Royal Warrant Holders and the UK's esteemed providers of window blinds, shutters and films, we were keen to see their name up in lights, as part of our on-going publicity efforts for them.
The team at Shotgun PR are delighted to have had the opportunity to work with some inspiring creatives this year and in particular, Brighton-based agency RamJam. Their creative digital studio specialises in producing characters and animation, which were necessary skills we needed to support our client's Sun-X, back in the summer.
Our relationship with Maxx Media, digital out-of-home specialists, helped us broker space for an advertisement, on their impressive digital SmartScreen located on Brighton's Queen's Road. It was then that we needed to ensure we created the right advert, that would engage with Sun-X's ideal customer.
Recruiting RamJam for the exercise, we worked with them to produce a storyboard, which led to the production of a character based animation which cleverly they showcased the company’s ‘heat reactive film’. The advert was then managed by Maxx Media and displayed when the temperature outside reached 18°C or more. Passing traffic and footfall provided great opportunities to see the advert too, with enquiries received referencing what had been watched.
There are a lot of exciting developments in the digital world and we want to ensure that our clients can utilise them, in a fun, easily accessible and quick way, which is important, as people love new things but attention spans get smaller by the day.
Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about the digital advertisement project for Sun-X, which you can view by clicking this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiwZfCrMf98&feature=youtu.be
For more information visit http://www.sun-x.co.uk/news/sun-x-goes-digital
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Shotgun PR and Media
Third Floor
1, Old Market Avenue
West Sussex
PO19 1SP
PO19 1SP
Telephone: 01243 929 215
Email: hello@shotgunpr.co.uk
Website: http://www.sun-x.co.uk/news/sun-x-goes-digital