Jumping Out Music Duo (a big mix of low key music) & commecial jazz outfit

The Duo play a big mix of easy listening or background music including jazz favourites, 50, 60s ballads, modern acoustic. We also play in a commercial trad, swing & blues outfit (2, 3, 4, 5 or 6). All the old classics & lots of vocal.

The Jumping Out Jazz Band
Play Popular trad swing & jazz numbers with lots of vocals. The band is available as a(2, 3 4, 5. or 6 piece. The jazz band can also play without electric replacing the piano with a banjo/guitar. (We also having a trad marching version of the band).

Jumping Out Duo
Play a Big mix of popular easy listening or background music including jazz favourites, ballads from the 50, 60s & modern acoustic numbers.
Instruments include clarinet, saxophone, guitars, banjo and vocals.
The duo very much specialise easy listening or background music at Events, Hotels, Restaurants, Weddings. (e. g. Corporate, Trade Shows, Street Gigs, Regattas, Fun days, Markets, Fetes, Festivals, Carnivals, Exhibitions, Garden Parties). The duo don't need much room to set up in and we also have a mobile battery amp set up for both If there is no electric) With our battery amp set up we have played in stores, shops, boats, ships, and once on a on a train.
We are based in Cornwall but often travel up to Devon.

View my website http://jumpingoutduo.webs.com/

My Location


Craig Fernie,
St. Austell

PL26 8QT

Telephone: 01726 851 528
Email: jumpingoutcornwall@yahoo.co.uk
Website: http://jumpingoutduo.webs.com/

Profile Details
