JJ's Arts Academy

JJ's Arts Academy / Events / Wed 07 to Sat 10 Aug 2019 (4 days)

Music Production Grade Five Bootcamp

Music Production Grade Five Bootcamp

Earn a GCSE over this Summer!

Are you interested in being a music technician? Do you play in a band? Would you like to know how to produce and mix tracks using Cubase? Are you thinking of taking GCSE/ BTEC Music?

This brand new accredited course from Rockschool (RSL) is industry relevant and very exciting!

This course is equivalent to a GCSE an recognised by schools and colleges.

Our own music technology specialist, Tom Rimmington, will be teaching students how to upload, mix and create tracks and exploring different music recording equipment.

This is a four day course with free access to the tech suite at JJ’s until the exam in December.
You can stop after the exam or carry on up to Grade 8! This new course through Rockschool will earn you a GCSE (Grade 5 ) and UCAS points (Grade 6 onwards) and you will become confident and able using Cubase and other music technology soft and hardware.

Wednesday 7th August 10-4pm
Thursday 8th August 10-4pm
Friday 9th August 10-4pm
Saturday 10th August 10-4pm
Attendance to all four days is compulsory.

Students do not need equipment at home, although a copy of Cubase and an interface/ midi keyboard is optional (JJ's staff can advise). JJ's has a dedicated music tech room which can be used for practising skills.


Four day course £130
Resources textbook and pass papers £30
Exam fee £65
Total: £225
The exam will take place early December.
Prerequisite: students must be of at least gr3 on an instrument
Students do not need to attend JJ’s Arts Academy instrumental/vocal lessons to take this course.

With only 6 places, message or call us today 01626 332286 for your place, pay your £40 deposit and start this groundbreaking and innovative qualification that will support your journey as a musician in the 21st Century!


For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/JJsArtsAcademy/

Event Location

JJ's Arts Academy

11 St Pauls Road
Newton Abbot
TQ12 2HP

Telephone: 01626 332 286
Email: reception@jjsartsacademy.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/JJsArtsAcademy/
