JJ's Arts Academy

JJ's Arts Academy / Events / Wed 01 Jul to Thu 06 Aug 2015 (1 month)

JJ's Summer Programme - Live Music Technology for 10-13yr olds

JJ's Summer Programme - Live Music Technology for 10-13yr olds

As part of JJ’s new and exciting Summer Programme, we are offering a one day course dedicated to Live Music Technology.

Thursday 6th August 10am – 4pm

If you are a budding technician, or you dream of playing in a band but have no idea how to use a PA, this course is for you! In this jam packed day, you will learn everything from how to select the correct cables through to creating that crystal clear sound from a band.

The day will include:

* Setting up a PA

* What the cables are called and how to make them last

* Setting up a band - How to listen

* Dealing with feedback and room acoustics

* Why do we use different systems for different instruments?

* Introduction to acoustic theory.

JJ’s Arts Academy’s Live Music Technology course is a must for any young musician, ensuring that they have the skills to get the best out of their own instrument and equipment, whilst also enabling them to work with other musicians and technical staff. The full day, led by two professional technical staff, provides knowledge and firsthand experience of working in the industry. This course is a brilliant precursor to future Arts Awards in Live Music Technology.

Total Cost: £40

Deposit: £20 by 1st July 2015

Age: 10-13yrs

Places: 10 available

Venue: JJ's Arts Academy, 11 St Paul's Road, TQ12 2HP

Event Location

JJ's Arts Academy

11 St Paul's Road
Newton Abbot
TQ12 2HP

Telephone: 01626 332 286
Email: reception@jjsartsacademy.com
