JJ's Arts Academy / Events / Wed 01 Jul to Sat 01 Aug 2015 (1 month)
JJ's Summer Programme - A Play In A Day for 10-14yr olds

JJ’s Arts Academy is very excited to be offering A Play In A Day
as part of its Summer Programme this year!
Saturday 1st August 10:00am – 4:00pm
Do you have a child in Years 6 - 9 who just loves to perform? If so, JJ’s A Play In A Day is the perfect way to keep them entertained! This is a day to discover hidden talents and encourage student confidence in performance abilities.
The day will include:
* Physical and vocal warm ups to aid physicality of character and safe projection of the voice
* Characterisation and Storytelling Skills
* Devising Skills
* Page to Stage – Bringing the students story to life in a final performance.
The story will be completely the students creation, the characters will be formed from their imaginations and the final performance allows them to show all these skills to their family and friends and discover the energy an audience can add to a piece.