Jayne Gordon / Events / Thu 27 Jun to Thu 04 Jul 2013 (1 week)

Exeter College Art & Design Access to Higher Education Show 2013

Exeter College Art & Design Access to Higher Education Show 2013

Join us to celebrate our end of year Art and Design Summer Show at Exeter College. The students of this year’s Access to Higher Education are exhibiting a dynamic array of work including fine art, ceramics, graphics, video and photography. Please come along and remember to invite your friends!

Open Weekdays 10am to 4pm.

For more information visit http://www.exe-coll.ac.uk/Events/

Event Location

Exeter College

Centre for Creative Industries (CCI) Victoria Yard Building
Queen Street

Telephone: 01392 400 301
Email: visualartsadmin@exe-coll.ac.uk
Website: http://www.exe-coll.ac.uk/Events/
