Red Earth Opera is a new opera company directed by Jane Anderson-Brown. We are putting on our first production at the Teignmouth Classical Music Festival on Sunday 9th March 2014 at 7:30pm. It will be a semi-staged performance of Purcell's Opera "Dido and Aeneas".
Soloists have been brought together from Devon, Cornwall, Somerset and London. We are particularly delighted to have Simon Marsh singing the part of Aeneas. Simon lives and works as a singer and actor in London, but grew up in Devon and is keen to support this venture.
The performance will be accompanied by a string group drawn together for the occasion and led by Goska Kosmaczewska.
The chorus is provided by singers who are mostly from Torbay. Several singers are also members of the Torbay Jubilee Choir which Jane also directs. The aim of Red Earth Opera is to perform opera in Devon using local talent as far as possible. For this inaugural performance all of the soloists and the string players are offering their services free of charge. We hope to be able to grow the company in such a way that we can undertake full productions in the future. We are therefore looking for supporters and sponsors who can help in this initiative, either by providing financial or administrative assistance.
Tickets for this performance are available by emailing southdevonsingers@gmail.com, calling 01626 870107, or from Jane (jane.andersonbrown@gmail.com). They are priced at £5 full or £3 concessions.
For more information on Red Earth Opera please get in touch with Jane as above, or telephone her on 07949 490120