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International Organ Festival / Events / Sat 14 May 2016

Peter Holder Organ Recital

Peter Holder Organ Recital

We welcome back Peter Holder, a former St Albans Cathedral organ scholar. He was subsequently appointed organ scholar at Westminster Abbey before moving to St Paul’s Cathedral as Sub-Organist from where he has established himself as one of the finest organists of his generation.

Thierry Escaich (b 1965) Evocation II

J.C.H. Rinck (1770-1846) Six variations on a theme of Corelli

Giles Swayne (b 1946) Riff-Raff

Dupré (1886-1971) Prelude and Fugue in F minor, Op.7/2

Liszt (1811-86) Fantasia quasi Sonata 'Après une lecture de Dante'
arr. Helmut Deutsch

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