Maybe you know Kirklees pretty well, or hardly at all. Whatever, wouldn’t it be brilliant if you could take that auto-pilot walk to work, that desultory drag round the shops or the routine trip to your Nan’s and turn it into a journey of discovery? What if you encountered new places, people or feelings, just doing what you’ve always done – whether real or imagined? Then you might well be having a psychogeographic experience.

Psychogeography is a way thinking about how environments might affect the emotions and behaviours of individuals in conscious and unconscious ways, but it’s also a practical tool. The practice is psychogeographical walking, also known as the derive/drift, which is a way of departing from the usual mode of walking for work or leisure as a way to creatively and playfully explore different places. Thus derives/drifts are different to a casual walk or a stroll because the aims are to explore what places we are drawn to and discouraged from. There are techniques we can deploy to open up these experiences, and they often involve chance and spontaneity.

By doing psychogeography, by walking across places and spaces in a different way, we may learn three new things: About the places themselves, about ourselves and how we relate to these particular spaces, and about space and place in general with possibility of seeing a glimmer of what’s really going on there.

This is what Huddersfield Psychogeography Network does, through representing our experiences in various written, visual and audible forms and through creating walks and other events.

We are the organisers of the 4th World Congress of Psychogeography in Huddersfield, Dewsbury and Marsden on 6,7 & 8 September 2019.

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University of Huddersfield,

Telephone: 07799 767 999

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My Events

The 4th World Congress of Psychogeography / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2020-09-04T00:00:00Z">Fri 04</span> to <span  itemprop="endDate" content="2020-09-06T00:00:00Z">Sun 06 Sep 2020</span> <span>(3 days)</span>The 4th World Congress of Psychogeography / Fri 04 to Sun 06 Sep 2020 (3 days)

A three day extravaganza of talks, walks, films, poetry, pictures and debates about the ways we interact with our immediate environment - given even g...

The 4th World Congress of Psychogeography / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2019-09-06T00:00:00Z">Fri 06</span> to <span  itemprop="endDate" content="2019-09-08T00:00:00Z">Sun 08 Sep 2019</span> <span>(3 days)</span>The 4th World Congress of Psychogeography / Fri 06 to Sun 08 Sep 2019 (3 days)

The 4th World Congress of Psychogeography in 2019 brings together people from all walks of life to Kirklees this autumn. With a mix of walks, talks an...

My Opportunities

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: The 4th World Congress of Psychogeography / Tue 28 May 2019

Would you like to lead a walk or give a talk about about some little-known or intriguing aspect of Huddersfield, Dewsbury or Marsden - or give a fresh...
