Huddersfield Literature Festival

Huddersfield Literature Festival / Events / Sun 27 Mar 2022

Women in World War Two

Women in World War Two

During World War Two, many women had roles outside the home, from Land Girls and codebreakers to mechanics and Lumberjills.

In this lively and interactive illustrated talk, authors Catherine Curzon and Helen Barrell delve into the experiences of women away from the domestic front, including Yorkshire women who made an invaluable contribution to the war effort.

About the authors
Writing as Ellie Curzon, Catherine and Helen have produced two novels about women in World War Two, Under a Spitfire Sky and The Codebreaker Girls.

Helen Barrell is also the author of Poison Panic: Arsenic Deaths in 1840s Essex and Fatal Evidence: Professor Alfred Swaine Taylor and the Dawn of Forensic Science. She has appeared on BBC1’s Murder, Mystery and My Family, and Radio 4’s Punt PI.

Catherine Curzon has also written several historical royal biographies, most recently The Wives of George IV: The Secret Bride and the Scorned Princess. Her debut play (co-written with Adrian Lukis), Being Mr Wickham, enjoyed an acclaimed livestream and nationwide tour in 2021.

Age guidance: 12+ (under 16s should be accompanied by an adult)

This event is sponsored by Raven Hall Risk Solutions:

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Event Location

Diamond Jubilee Lecture Theatre, University of Huddersfield

Diamond Jubilee Lecture Theatre, 1st floor Charles Sikes Building, University of Huddersfield, 78 Firth Street, HD1 3BN


Event Details
