Huddersfield Literature Festival

Huddersfield Literature Festival / Events / Sat 02 Apr 2022

Poetry Slam

Poetry Slam

From 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm come and see 10 amazing poets battle through spoken word to see who will be crowned the HLF 2022 Slam Champ. Expect to be entertained, moved, lifted and transported by competitive poetry! Hosted by award-winning poet Rose Condo.

1st Prize: £50, and a guest spot at the HLF2023 Poetry Slam.

Want to apply to take part? Send a video (max length three minutes) of you performing your work to (it’s fine to use a phone to record your video). The deadline to apply is 1 March 2022. See below for T&Cs.

Rose Condo is an award-winning Canadian poet based in Salford. She studied Theatre & Drama at the University of Winnipeg and earned her MA in Theatre & Development Studies at the University of Leeds. Rose has been writing, performing and teaching for over 20 years, and she is the Mentoring Manager (North) for Arts Emergency. Her debut poetry collection After the Storm was published in 2020 and she has won awards for her projects and shows, which include, The Empathy Experiment, The Geography of Me and How to Starve an Artist. She has hosted and won many Slams.

Terms and Conditions

To apply please send a video (max length three minutes) of you performing your work to (it’s fine to use a phone to record your video). The deadline to apply is 1 March 2022.
We will only view one application per person. Further applications will be ignored.
The deadline for applications is strictly 5pm on 1 March 2022. We regret that we cannot view any applications received after this time.
Successful artists should hear back from us by five working days after the deadline.

Poetry must be your own original work
No singing or props.
There will be two rounds. The poets will draw numbers from a hat and perform in that order. In the second round, the order will be reversed.
Poets have 3 minutes to perform their poetry. The clock starts from the very first thing you say – including hello.
Points will be deducted for over-running as follows:

1-9 seconds minus 1 point

10-19 seconds minus 2 points

20-29 seconds minus 3 points

30 seconds minus 4 points, the host will stop you, you’ll be judged on your incomplete poem.

The poets will be scored out of 10 in two categories. Written content and quality of performance. The highest total score over both rounds wins £50. In the event of a tie, there will be a final sudden death round.
Judges’ decisions are final. Please remember the slam motto: “The points are not the point, the poetry is the point.”
Places are limited due to venue capacity

Venue: Small Seeds

Age Guidance: 16+

Access Guide:

For more information visit

Event Location

Small Seeds

120 New Street, Castlegate
Huddersfield, HD1 2UD


Event Details
