We are based in the heart of the Goodwood Estate, just outside Chichester, where our team of skilled craftspeople and designers create unique interiors for private and commercial clients. Projects include bespoke kitchens, boardrooms and offices, interiors for hotels and restaurants, media rooms, libraries and bedrooms.

View my website http://www.jasperco.co.uk/

My Location


The Valdoe
PO18 0PJ

Telephone: 01243 774 411
Email: info@timjasper.co.uk
Website: http://www.jasperco.co.uk/

Profile Details

My Opportunities

Website/graphic design/marketing help needed / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2011-12-13T00:00:00Z">Tue 13 Dec 2011</span>Website/graphic design/marketing help needed / Tue 13 Dec 2011

We are looking for someone to work with us, preferably on a part time freelance basis, to help manage and improve our website and develop e-marketing
