Hoot Creative Arts / Opportunities / Mon 30 Apr 2018
Opportunities to perform/show work at Creative Pie events

Share your visual art, craft, movement, theatre, sound art, music, words, digital art, experiments and ideas in a relaxed, friendly, and supportive space, or just sit back, have a cup of tea and enjoy. Visual artists are invited to talk about the work you have brought to share – but there’s no pressure to do this. See below about booking a slot.
Event Dates:
Tuesday 30th January, 5 – 7PM at Hoot Creative Arts, Huddersfield
Wednesday 28th Feb, 5 – 7PM at S2R Creative Space, Huddersfield
Tuesday 20th March, 4 – 6PM at Thrive, Connect Housing, Dewsbury
Monday 16th April, 6 – 8PM at Northern Quarter, Huddersfield
More Details:
Booking a performance slot:
All types of performance are welcome. If you like to ensure that you have a slot at one of the events you can book a slot. If you need to cancel your slot, please let us know before the event. Slots are up to 20 minutes (including set-up and pack down), but we encourage and expect most slots to be shorter, for example you are very welcome to perform just 1 song or 1 poem.
Depending on the demand, there may be slots available at the event – without booking in advance – you can call Hoot to find out.
For a slot email chris@hootmusic.co.uk or call Hoot on 01484 516224
Please include your name, phone number, and art form.
Bookings for visual artists/makers/craft:
There will be space on walls and tables to display 2D and 3D visual work art. We invite all artists to speak to the audience about your work if you would like to. The available space and methods for displaying are different for each venue – go to www.hootcreativearts.co.uk for more info.
You must get in contact with us prior to the event by 1 week before the event if you would like wall or table space for visual work. Alternatively you can hold your work at an event and – like the performers - you can book a slot for this (some slots may be available at the event without booking).
Projector: We will be projecting images. This can be used for: films, animations, photography etc. As an alternative to bringing your visual art we welcome you to take a photo of it to be shown on the big screen. When possible please send us the files online (e.g. via Google Drive, Dropbox, We send it etc), by 1 week before the event. Otherwise you will need to bring files on a USB drive to the event – you will need to arrive 30 minutes prior to the event starting so we can make sure they work.
Request space to show work by sending your name and a short description of work including dimensions to chris@hootmusic.co.uk or call Hoot on 01484 516224.
Accessibility: If you require an accessible entrance please let Hoot know in advance. This is possible at all venues except Northern Quarter.
For more information visit https://www.hootcreativearts.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Huddersfield + Dewsbury
Telephone: 01484 516 224
Email: chris@hootmusic.co.uk
Website: https://www.hootcreativearts.co.uk/