Hoot Creative Arts / Opportunities / Tue 17 Feb 2015
Recruit Various Artists: New Blood

Call for New Blood Artists – including but not exclusively: Visual Arts, Writing, Dance, Film, Drama, Photography, Digital Arts, Singing, Music, Combined Arts, Sound
Once again Hoot Creative Arts is looking for New Blood. We need talented artists to work with us on the second year of our arts and mental health project Going Sane? Going Sane? is our flagship project which will provide community groups, organisations and businesses with the opportunity to think about what keeps them sane and what drives them mad and how creativity relates to sanity and madness.
We are looking for established or emerging community artists who can demonstrate insight into working with people in groups and individual settings, the capacity to teach and inspire, allied to strong artistic skills in their artform which might be : Visual Arts, Writing, Dance, Film, Drama, Photography, Digital Arts, Singing, Music, Combined Arts, Sound. We want you to be ambitious about taking these skills to new people, developing new projects and creating challenging art works that will make people sit up and take notice.
This opportunity requires artists to invest some of their time and their effort in developing the work in order to reap the benefits. The programme will involve an initial 6 weeks’ training (half a day per week) to which artists must commit in order to be employed on the paid Going Sane? projects which will follow. Artists must also commit to further training: three sessions at the mid and end point of their community project. Artists must be keen to work collaboratively with artists using other artforms.
In addition to Going Sane? projects there may also be opportunities for artists to deliver elements of our current creative programme. We want to develop a bank of artists who can work within our philosophy, deliver Going Sane? projects, and be well placed to take on other Hoot projects or posts when opportunities arise.
If you are interested please visit Hoot's website to download the application pack: www.hootcreativearts.co.uk
(Previous applicants from 2013 & 2014 should re-apply).
The deadline for applications is midday on Tuesday 17th February
There will be no formal interview, instead shortlisted artists will be required to attend a meeting at Hoot, on Wednesday 11th March, PM
The training and development workshops will begin on Thursday 2nd April for six weeks, every Thursday afternoon.
If you have any queries or would like an informal chat about this opportunity please ring the project manager and creative lead artist Sally Barker, on 01484 516224 or email sally@hootmusic.co.uk.
For more information visit http://hootcreativearts.co.uk/en/content/a298
Opportunity Location
Hoot Creative Arts
Bates Mill
Milford Street
Telephone: 01484 516 224
Email: info@hootmusic.co.uk
Website: http://hootcreativearts.co.uk/en/content/a298