We have opened HOOT from home - online creative activities to make you feel good.
Visit our website for more information: www.hootcreativearts.co.uk
HOOT from home offers accessible creative activities that you can take part in at home. We believe that the arts are for everyone, even if you don’t think of yourself as creative but we understand how daunting it can be to take part in a creative activity if you don’t feel that you are ‘good at it’. Each HOOT from home activity has been designed by a professional community artist/musician, with no need for specialised art materials or instruments, to help you to discover how being creative makes you feel good.
Visit our website to discover a selection of guided activities, tutorials and inspiration for discovering your inner artist, musician, singer or writer.
HOOT has been running creative arts workshops for people who have no previous experience of writing, singing, painting, drawing, sculpting or making music, for over 18 years.
For more information visit http://www.hootcreativearts.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
HOOT from home
Email: info@hootmusic.co.uk
Website: http://www.hootcreativearts.co.uk/