Hoot Creative Arts / Opportunities / Mon 09 Mar 2020
HOOT: Call for Freelance Artists

Call for Freelance Artists
Sessional rate variable by project & experience.
HOOT is looking for people interested in being included in our pool of freelance artists for engagement on various projects.
Successful applicants will become part of our pool of artists who will be contacted as needed to deliver sessions, however the nature of our project delivery means we are unable to guarantee work within a specific time period.
Please apply on-line, via our website: www.hootcreativearts.co.uk/jobs where you can download the application pack and form, stating which project and artist level you are interested in working on and telling us about your current artistic practice. A description of our projects, artist roles and person specifications is included in this pack.
Return your completed application to: info@hootmusic.co.uk with ‘Call for Freelance Artists’ in subject box.
The closing date for applications Monday 9th March at 12pm.
We are unable to provide feedback for unsuccessful applicants.
Artists Day: Wednesday 15th April
Shortlisted candidates will be invited by email to Hoot in Huddersfield on Wednesday 15th April. We will use this day to explain our projects and to gather information about the artists present as a basis for selection.
Artists added to our pool may be contacted from July 2020 onwards for sessional delivery.
We wish you luck with your application.
For more information visit https://www.hootcreativearts.co.uk/jobs
Opportunity Location
HOOT Creative Arts
Bates Mill
Milford Street
Telephone: 01484 516 224
Email: info@hootmusic.co.uk
Website: https://www.hootcreativearts.co.uk/jobs