Holmfirth Film Festival / News / Tue 16 Feb 2021
Online film fun-draiser quiz inaid of Holme Valley Foodbank

Holmfirth Film Festival continues online with a February fun-draiser quiz in aid of Holme Valley Foodbank (Thursday 25 Feb, 8pm to 9pm)
A fun evening for all the family, singletons, bubbles. . . anyone looking for a bit of of a break and an hour of online entertainment.
You don't have to be a film buff to join in; questions cover film, TV and comedy. For example:
1) Which film featured the line 'Kiss me, kiss me as if it were the last time?'
A: Casablanca B: Brief Encounter C: Love Story D: From Here to Eternity
2) Which actor was the voice of Rocky in Chicken Run?
A: Donal Gibson B: Phil Daniels C: Mel Gibson D: Timothy Spall
The quiz comes via Zoom link and Kahoot app - full details provided of how to download both for free and how to use to join the quiz.
PS It's our usherette's night off, so bring your own popcorn!
For more information visit http://holmfirthfilmfestival.co.uk/
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Email: holmfirthfilm@gmail.com
Website: http://holmfirthfilmfestival.co.uk/