Holmfirth Film Festival / News / Sun 13 Feb 2022
Back To Film On The Big Screen In The Holme Valley

We're so delighted to be back. . .
We hope you're all well and beginning to feel brighter as we move towards Spring. We know that covid is still around and we all still need to look after ourselves and others around us, so we'll continue to be careful as we move back into welcoming you to film on the big screen in the Holme Valley.
Sunday evening screenings at Holmfirth Civic Hall
begin 27 February with the brilliant
The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmao
Christchurch New Mill will host two films we were
not able to screen last year due to covid
Thursday 10 March - Fatima
Friday 11 March - Corpus Christi
Plus a full week of films/events
Monday 14 March to Sunday 20 March
full programme coming soon. . .
For more information visit http://www.holmfirthfilmfestival.co.uk/
News Location
Holmfirth Film Festival 2022
Civic Hall
Telephone: 01484 681 388
Email: holmfirthfilm@gmail.com
Website: http://www.holmfirthfilmfestival.co.uk/