Holmfirth Film Festival / Events / Sat 19 Mar 2022
The Holme Valley Housing Crisis (films and discussion)

FREE EVENT 11am - 4pm
A problem relevant not just to the Holme Valley, but to many other areas. Simply building more houses will not solve the problem. It is much deeper rooted. Houses should be homes not financial commodities. Where are the eco houses to live with climate change?
11.00 Possession (film): The great social housing swindle (UK 2017, 82mins) Paul Sing’s acute study of the ways the UK’s property market has been destroyed.
12.30 Ecoholmes is leading the way in providing affordable low-energy homes in the Holme Valley.
1.00 Push (film) (Sweden 2019, 92mins) Frederik Gertten’s excellent documentary looks at the international and UK monster fuelling spiralling house prices and rental costs.
2.30 Bob Colenutt, author of The Property Lobby: The hidden reality behind the housing crisis (2021), the best book on the subject leads a discussion.
3.00 Your chance to take part in a discussion on the Holme Valley housing crisis with interested parties and councillors.
For more information visit http://holmfirthfilmfestival.co.uk/
Event Location
Holmfirth Civic Hall
Huddersfield Road
Telephone: 01484 681 388
Email: stephanieholmfirth@btinternet.com
Website: http://holmfirthfilmfestival.co.uk/