Holmfirth Arts Festival / News / Mon 12 Mar 2018
Holmfirth Arts Festival Springs into Action

Holmfirth Arts Festival springs into action
Thursday 14th – Sunday 17th June 2018
Holmfirth Arts Festival has a new spring in its step since the arrival of Festival Director, Bev Adams.
Bev took over the role in November alongside Alison Povey from Huddersfield who has been appointed Festival Manager. Bev originally grew up in South Africa but has lived in West Yorkshire for 30 years. She worked as Artistic Director of Faceless Arts in Wakefield for 27 years and is a former director of Pontefract Liquorice Festival
This year the festival will run as an action-packed four-day celebration, from 14th-17th June 2018, and Bev is keen to introduce more community participation in advance of the main event.
“We have exciting plans for the festival,” she said. “Holmfirth will come alive with street theatre and free family events and we will be making use of our indoor venues to bring the best quality live music, comedy and theatre to the Holme Valley.
“I’m also really passionate about getting local people engaged, by letting their imaginations run wild and helping to create some fantastic art.”
As the festival celebrates its 10th anniversary, Bev is busy lining up events which she hopes will attract a wide range of audiences.
In previous years a carnival parade was held through the centre of Holmfirth:
“We would really like to keep this going and make sure as many people as possible are able to get involved,” said Bev. “That means lots of ideas and participation from the community.”
The festival will be organising free workshops in the run up to the carnival and offering opportunities for people to sign up and help make some of the fantastical costumes which will appear at the event. The festival logo, a swallow, will be reflected through the theme of flight chosen for this year’s parade.
In the meantime there will be a fundraising event on Saturday 24th March at Holmbridge Parish Hall with the Ribble Beck Band.
Tickets are available from Imagine Toyshop on Norridge Bottom, Holmfirth HD9 7BB or contact Caroline Anstey on 01484 685955 or caroline@imaginetoys.co.uk
Holmfirth Arts Festival receives funding from Arts Council England and The One Community Foundation, through the Longley Farm Fund, and receives support from many local businesses and individuals.
Details of this year’s festival will be available on the festival website www.holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk - to join the email mailing list contact marketing@holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk
For more information visit http://www.holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk/
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Email: manager@holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk
Website: http://www.holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk/