Holme Valley Sharing Memories / News / Wed 27 Sep 2017
Turn your tenners into twenties!

Turn your tenners into twenties – and support a local charity
Two long-standing local charities are seeking support from Kirklees residents through a special fund raising promotion.
Holme Valley Sharing Memories, which runs creative projects with older people, and Holmfirth Arts Festival, a ten day festival of music, theatre, comedy, exhibitions and workshops, are both keen to generate funding to support their work.
And from 17th October there is a chance for people to double the money they donate through the Local Giving ‘Grow Your Tenner’ promotion – a campaign which turns your tenners into twenties!
In addition to funding bids to agencies such as Arts Council England and the Heritage Lottery Fund, both organisations are registered with Local Giving, a website which allows members of the public to make donations to worthy causes of their choice.
“In these days of reduced central funding it’s so important to try and get local support” said Sally Brown, who works as Project Manager for Sharing Memories and Media Officer for Holmfirth Arts Festival.
“Schemes like the Local Giving ‘Grow Your Tenner’ promotion are a great way of people giving a small amount of money and seeing their contribution more than double.”
This year Local Giving has placed a special emphasis on monthly giving – its aim being to help local groups attract long term supporters. Regular donations are hugely important for small, local charities, helping them to stabilise their finances and plan for the future. Set up a monthly donation and after your first six donations, the following six donations will be matched up to £10.
In addition Local Giving adds Gift Aid to all donations, if you are a UK tax payer, making £10 worth £25 once the donation has been doubled. So, if you choose to set up a monthly direct debit, your £10 donation will generate £225 for your chosen charity over a year.
To find out how to make a donation go to www.localgiving.org and search on either Holme Valley Sharing Memories or Holmfirth Arts Festival.
Remember the special ‘Grow Your Tenner’ promotion doesn’t start until 10am on 17th October and runs until Thursday 16th November, or until the funding pot runs out.
For further information about how you can support Sharing Memories or Holmfirth Arts Festival please contact Sally Brown on 07950 870864.
For more information visit http://www.sharingmemories.org.uk/
News Location
158 Dunford Road
Woodhead Road
Telephone: 07950 870 864
Email: sally-brown@btconnect.com
Website: http://www.sharingmemories.org.uk/