Hoddesdon Baptist Church / Events / Sat 04 to Sun 12 Oct 2014 (1 week)
Creative Arts Festival - Sharing Hope

The Festival will incorporate dance, drama, poetry, music, food, art, flowers and much more, all focused around the theme of Sharing Hope. Running from the 4th to 12th October the church will be turned over to exhibitions, concerts, live performances, demonstrations and a multicultural event. All the events will be provided free of charge though donations to cover costs are welcomed. The vast majority of exhibits and performances will be by the local community but two artists have been invited to help facilitate and inspire them.
The first is Kevin Moore who will take part in the Sunday morning worship (10:00am) on 5th October and lead an Art workshop for all age’s in the afternoon entitled The Art of Hope (3.00pm to 5.00pm).
Kevin runs art projects in schools, churches and mixed age community groups, inspiring people to use different artistic mediums and techniques in the context of God’s amazing creation.
The second invited guest is Geraldine Luce (nee Latty) who will be leading Sunday morning worship (10:00am) on 12th October and lead a workshop entitled God’s Power Released in Music (2.00- 4.00pm). Geraldine has an international profile as a worship leader, songwriter and singer. Geraldine leads and directs community gospel choirs and teaches a variety of topics including vocal improvisation, rehearsal technique, worship leading and song writing.
For more information visit http://www.hoddesdonbaptist.org.uk/sharinghope.htm