Hitchin Chamber Orchestra

Hitchin Chamber Orchestra New Hitchin Orchestra

Our orchestra's membership is drawn locally from North Hertfordshire and South Bedfordshire with a mix of accomplished amateur players, professional instrumental teachers, and a core of freelance musicians who lead the sections.

Most of the repertoire is played without a conductor, with the ethos of a chamber ensemble - although larger scale and more complex works are conducted whenever the need is felt. Rehearsals are positive and purposeful and are characterised by an atmosphere that is both friendly and mutually encouraging. They balance the orchestra's ambition to develop and improve its performance with an inclusive outlook wherein commitment and determination to succeed are as valued attributes as advanced skill and musicianship. We seek and expect challenge! The pay-off comes with the warm satisfaction of playing a part in performances of a high standard and from which our audiences derive great pleasure.

View my website http://hitchinchamberorchestra.org/

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Hitchin Chamber Orchestra - Festival of English Music / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2019-07-13T00:00:00Z">Sat 13 Jul 2019</span>Hitchin Chamber Orchestra - Festival of English Music / Sat 13 Jul 2019

The final concert this season is a "Festival of English Music". There will be the trademark mix of familiar and unfamiliar pieces to listen to and it ...

Hitchin Chamber Orchestra and the Hitchin Jazz Collective / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2018-06-23T00:00:00Z">Sat 23 Jun 2018</span>Hitchin Chamber Orchestra and the Hitchin Jazz Collective / Sat 23 Jun 2018

Hitchin Chamber Orchestra and the Hitchin Jazz Collective perform an evening of Jazz, Song and Strings June 23rd 7.30 pm. St Mary’s Church, Hitchin...

Hitchin Chamber Orchestra -March 17th  Spring Concert / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2018-03-17T00:00:00Z">Sat 17 Mar 2018</span>Hitchin Chamber Orchestra -March 17th Spring Concert / Sat 17 Mar 2018

Hitchin Chamber Orchestra is launching its 2018 concert series on 17 March at St Mary’s Church, Hitchin with a concert at 7:30pm featuring a musician ...