Herts Visual Arts / Opportunities / Sat 31 Mar 2018
Kickstart your art year - 2018

Are you looking to grow your art world? Why not kick start 2018 by joining Hertsfordshire's vibrant artist community. Alongside our main events there are plenty of opportunities to network, develop, be seen and so much more. www.hvaf.org.uk
Here's sneak peak of 2018 - join by 15th January to be part in our January 2018 Members Conference: Monday 15th January, 10am-2pm for a fun-filled workshop- and activity-based day.
New Maynard Gallery: Open to all HVAF members, handing in day is 16th April, Private View 19th April, take-down 3rd June. Look out for full details and booking forms in the New Year.
Living Crafts Hatfield: we hope to be part of this again 10th-13th May 2018, subject to confirmation with the organisers.
Herts Show: HVAF hope to be in the Made In Herts marquee again – details will be confirmed in early 2018.
Summer Art Fair: A new venue for 2018 - we have booked the large bright and airy Hitchin Town Hall, again during the Hitchin Festival. Hanging and Private view Friday View Friday 13th July, Art Fair Saturday and Sunday 14th, 15th July. Look out for full details and booking forms in the New Year.
Open Studios 2018: 10th September to 30th September, building on the success and group opportunities of 2017, look out for further information from January 2018. The brochure launch will again be at our summer art fair event. Let us know if you organise any other art exhibitions or events after mid-July so that we can get OS brochures to you
For more information visit https://www.hvaf.org.uk/Membership/Join-Membership-Benefits
Opportunity Location
Herts Visual Arts Membership
Email: membership@hvaf.org.uk
Website: https://www.hvaf.org.uk/Membership/Join-Membership-Benefits