Herts Visual Arts / News / Mon 09 Sep 2019
Herts Open Studios 2019 - What will you discover

From 7th-29th September 2019, Herts Open Studios again brings artists, artisans and art-lovers together. 3 weeks of inspiration, discovery and rich opportunity, bring art into the heart of our communities across Hertfordshire. Established almost 30 years ago, it’s a popular and well-established part of the Hertfordshire annual art calendar.
With 71 venues around our county, professional and amateur visual artists, makers and designers are opening up their homes, studios, exhibitions and events to the public. From solo artists through collaborations to community projects, there’s something for everyone. Whether visiting by yourself or with friends or family, each venue is an opportunity to experience diverse in-progress or finished work, to meet artists and talk about their craft and creative process.
Variety, Creativity, Personal Journeys: Our brochure and on-line galleries offer a glimpse of the huge range of experiences awaiting visitors. From jewellery through functional and decorative items to larger statement and outdoor pieces. Some of our artists are just starting their journey, some are internationally renowned. Perhaps you want to focus on people and artforms you know or like. Another option is to plot a trail to visit venues for the adventure. From fields of sculptures, through international exhibits to work being created in situ, who knows what you will discover.
Original, affordable work: Each venue is free to enter and there really is no obligation to buy – the real purpose of Open Studios is for the experience. However, if you are looking for something special, or something catches your eye, it’s a great opportunity to purchase direct from the artist. From greetings cards, though prints to original statement pieces, there’s something for every pocket. There’s also something unique and special in understanding the story behind or in a piece of art that you later take home to enjoy.
“This years’ signature image is a thumbprint – representing the unique individual style of each of our artists. With, many new artists joining our event alongside long-standing participants, there is just so much to explore.” said Herts Visual Arts Chair, Hillary Taylor, who continued “Each year I set myself a target to visit as many Open Studios Venues as possible. I continue to be blown away by the warmth in every welcome and the amazing work and inspiration from every artist I visit. Where will your journey take you?”
It’s Free: Venues are free to enter, with a mix of working studios, demonstrations, exhibitions, workshops and more. From early designs to finished pieces, you can see and experience work first-hand. You might even be able to try something yourself.
New on-line: Optimised for mobile, our website now has even more information. We may be biased but we think the new map-based search is an amazing way for you to navigate by venue, artist, artform and date. You can join the social media story with #HertsOpenStudios too.
Check our website: Our most accurate information is on-line, perhaps with special events, local art trails, up-to-date opening hours and more. From this year, there are also more artists on-line than in print, so be sure to check before you set out.
And in print? Build your own personal art trail from index pages, through colour-coded venue listings to our handy map inside the back cover. If you need quick information on who’s open on a particular date, then our cross-reference planner is the place to start.
Finding an Open Studio: Look for yellow bunting, direction arrows and banners outside venues. They are like a friend to welcome you at the gate, saying come on in.
Launch Weekend 7th 8th September: Special launch events include our 2-day Open Studios Showcase (Venue 71) in the Assembly Room at St Albans Museum + Gallery. Remember to check both on-line and in your local press for news for the latest news.
www.hvaf.org.uk ‘More creativity, more fun, more buzz, more laughter in our lives’
For more information visit http://www.hvaf.org.uk/
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Website: http://www.hvaf.org.uk/