Herts Visual Arts / News / Tue 16 Apr 2019
Herts Open Studios 2019 Call for Artists

PRESS RELEASE: Herts Open Studios 2019
Our annual Call for Artists and Venues is now open, with registration from 2nd April - 30th April 2019.
From 7th-29th September 2019, Herts Open Studios again brings artists, artisans and art-lovers together. 3 weeks of inspiration, discovery and rich opportunity, bring art into the heart of our communities across Hertfordshire. Established almost 30 years ago, it’s a popular and well-established part of the Hertfordshire annual art calendar.
All professional and amateur visual artists, makers and designers who live or work in or near Hertfordshire are invited to join Herts Visual Arts and take part in this popular event.
Whatever your motivation and wherever you are on your art journey, Open Studios offers a unique chance to grow. From artists starting out for the first time in their living room or garage, to established artists with a secure customer base - everyone is different. Being part of Open Studios is a cost-effective way for artists to reach a County-wide audience. It’s an opportunity to show or demonstrate work, talk about techniques and inspirations, listen to visitors and perhaps sell something – either from solo events or our highly popular group options.
This year we have again kept the group price structure that proved so popular in 2017 and encouraging groups of artists working together at a single venue.
We are also delighted to encourage personal development and perhaps membership in the future, with established classes/groups able to register for a single entry in our brochure for a class exhibition. Originally introduced in 2018, we were delighted with the response.
This year, we are also keen to encourage schools to take part and welcome enquiries.
Every year there are artists wishing to take part in a shared or other suitable group venue. This year we again welcome enquiries from shops, community spaces or other potential hosts. Herts Visual Arts can help match artists to potential venues.
The entry fee covers a full entry in the Open Studios on-line gallery, inclusion in on-line and printed publicity materials, promotional materials and Open Studios signage for your own use. Herts Visual Arts also run a publicity campaign in the press and on social media.
“This years’ signature image is a thumbprint – representing the unique individual style of each of our artists. With, many new artists joining our event alongside long-standing participants, there is just so much to explore.” said Herts Visual Arts Chair, Hillary Taylor, who continued “Each year I set myself a target to visit as many Open Studios Venues as possible. I continue to be blown away by the warmth in every welcome and the amazing work and inspiration from every artist I visit. Where will your journey take you?”
www.hvaf.org.uk ‘More creativity, more fun, more buzz, more laughter in our lives’
Herts Visual Arts is the largest county-wide volunteer run organisation for amateur and professional artists and makers in Hertfordshire. An annual programme includes members meetings, exhibitions, Art Showcases, the Big Art Fair and Herts Open Studios.
Many artists join simply to be part in Open Studios each year – but there is so much more to the excellent value annual membership (currently just £40 per year, with senior concessions available). *Registration for Open Studios is not included in the cost of membership.
Benefits of annual membership include a gallery on the HVA web site, social media promotion across HVA platforms and a PRIVATE Facebook group to connect with other members. There’s also access to opportunities and a full annual programme of meetings and events, just for members. A monthly newsletter includes news, opportunities and exhibitions across Hertfordshire, as well as hints, tips and articles on Open Studios, marketing and more. Members can also promote their workshops, classes, exhibitions and publications and contribute to the newsletter itself.
Non-members can sign up for our newsletter.
*Registration for Open Studios is not included in membership, and full membership must be taken out to take part in Open Studios.
For more information visit http://www.hvaf.org.uk/
News Location
Harpenden Hall, Southdown Road, Harpenden, Herts
Email: openstudios@hvaf.org.uk
Website: http://www.hvaf.org.uk/