Hertfordshire Music Service

Hertfordshire Music Service / Events / Sat 03 Dec 2016

Recorder Open Morning at SMMS; Broxbourne Music Centre

Recorder Open Morning at SMMS; Broxbourne Music Centre

WANTED! Recorder players of any age or grade! You just need to be able to play B, A and G.

This recorder morning is free of charge and will be held on the 3rd of December, from 9am to 12:15pm.

During the morning, you will:
- Have a fun and exciting morning of music making
- Experience playing in a large ensemble
- Explore a wide range of music.
- Perform in a concert at the end of the morning to entertain your family and friends!

To reserve your place or find out more;
Please call 01992 556698 or Email broxbournemusicenquiries@hertfordshire.gov.uk

For more information visit http://hertsmusicservice.squarespace.com/the-broxbourne-music-centre/

Event Location

The Broxbourne Music Centre

The Broxbourne School,
High Road,
EN10 7DB

Telephone: 01992 556 698
Email: broxbournemusicenquiries@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Website: http://hertsmusicservice.squarespace.com/the-broxbourne-music-centre/

Event Details
