Hertfordshire Music Service

Hertfordshire Music Service / Events / Sat 03 Dec 2016

East Herts Concert Band at St Andrews Church

East Herts Concert Band at St Andrews Church

We would like to invite you to the East Herts Concert Band's concert of Festive music.

The concert will be held in St Andrews Church, Hertford on Saturday the 3rd December and will start at 7:30pm.

Tickets will cost £10 and will be available on the door which will include refreshments in the interval.

For any additional information please contact

or call 01992 556698

For more information visit http://hertsmusicservice.squarespace.com/hertford-and-ware-music-centre/

Event Location

St Andrews Church

St Andrew St,
SG14 1HZ

Telephone: 01992 556 698
Email: broxbournemusicenquiries@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Website: http://hertsmusicservice.squarespace.com/hertford-and-ware-music-centre/

Event Details
