Hertfordshire Music Service

Hertfordshire Music Service / Events / Sat 03 Dec 2016

Dacorum Music School Ensembles Concert

Dacorum Music School Ensembles Concert

We would like to invite you to our Ensembles Concert on Saturday the 3rd December

The event will begin with a Ukulele Jam in the Foyer from 4:45 with the concert beginning at 5:00.

The ensembles concert is for all of the Dacorum Music School ensembles and will be held at Watford School of Music.

Performing will be Ace of Herts Choir, Berkhamsted Ukulele Ensemble, Flute Choir, The T’s and C’s, Recorder Consort, Wind Ensemble, Stringfonia and Dacorum Youth Orchestra.

For more information and to book please contact;


or call 01442 214599

For more information visit http://www.hertsmusicservice.org.uk/dacorum-music-school/

Event Location

Watford School of Music

Watford School of Music,
Clarendon Muse,
70 Rickmansworth Road,
WD18 7JA

Telephone: 01442 214 599
Email: dacorummusicenquiries@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Website: http://www.hertsmusicservice.org.uk/dacorum-music-school/

Event Details
