Hertfordshire Music Service

Hertfordshire Music Service / Events / Sat 19 Nov 2016

Dacorum Music School Concert

Dacorum Music School Concert

We would like to invite you to our concert on the 19th November,
From 11-12 at St John’s Church, Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead.
It will involve senior soloists, a Recorder Consort and Flute Choir from Dacorum Music School.
The concert is in conjunction with "Music at St John’s" who put on regular concerts and musical events at the church.

For more information visit http://hertsmusicservice.squarespace.com/dacorum-music-school/

Event Location

St John's Church

St John’s Church,
Hemel Hempstead

Telephone: 01442 214 599
Email: dacorummusicenquiries@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Website: http://hertsmusicservice.squarespace.com/dacorum-music-school/

Event Details
