Hertfordshire Music Service / Events / Sun 06 Nov 2016
County Brass Extravaganza

Are you a brass or percussion player?
Grade 5 or above, up to age 21?
Come and join the County Youth Brass for one day workshop
playing through an exciting mix of brass band repertoire with a final
play through for family and friends
This day aims to bring together brass players from across the county
to perform a variety of repertoire for brass band. Our tutors are all
experienced teachers and performers who work within Hertfordshire Music
We welcome applications from the following instruments;
French Horns
The day, lead by Paul Fisher, will run from 9.30am-4.30pm and will
culminate in a performance of pieces that the band have prepared;
family and friends are most welcome to attend this at 4pm in the George
Wenham Hall in the Music Centre.
Music and music stands will be provided for you as well as light
refreshments during breaks, but be sure to bring with you:
• Your instrument
• 2B pencil
• Packed lunch
Please make sure all belongings are clearly labelled.
Final details will be confirmed shortly before the course, and the fee will be
Fee: £30
To apply, please email Shannon St. Luce
or countymusicenquiries@hertfordshire.gov.uk
For more information visit http://www.hertsmusicservice.org.uk/county-groups/
Event Location
Mid Herts Centre for Music and Arts
Birchwood Avenue
AL10 0PS
Telephone: 01707 292 399
Email: countymusicenquiries@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Website: http://www.hertsmusicservice.org.uk/county-groups/