Hertfordshire Music Service / Events / Thu 05 Jul 2018
Chorister Outreach Project Concert

The Chorister Outreach Project is a joint initiative for Hertfordshire Music Service and The Cathedral and Abbey Church of St Alban.
Each term animateurs visit primary schools for ten weeks to inspire staff and pupils to sing and to teach them about good singing. The project culminates in a concert in the Cathedral for the schools and the Cathedral's boy and girl Choristers where each school presents music they have prepared, they listen to the choristers and organ and sing some rousing items together. The children also have a tour of the cathedral and learn some of its history.
These concerts are always moving and inspirational. This term's concert is on Thursday 5 July in the nave of St Albans Cathedral at 5pm. Children from De Havilland Primary School and Chorleywood Primary School will perform, along with the Choristers of the Cathedral, directed by their animateurs and the Master of the Music, Andrew Lucas.
Admission is free and open to the public. The concert lasts about an hour.
For more information visit https://www.stalbanscathedral.org/music/
Event Location
St Albans Cathedral
St Albans, Hertfordshire,
Telephone: 01727 890 210
Email: westmusicenquiries@hertsmusicservice.org.uk
Website: https://www.stalbanscathedral.org/music/