Hertfordshire Music Service / Opportunities / Thu 01 May 2014
Call for papers: national music educators conference - June 2014

Musical Partnerships in Play is a national conference for Music Educators and Researchers of Young Children, held in Cambridge. Music practitioners in Hertfordshire and elsewhere can attend, as well as submit papers. The event is organised by MERYC.
Saturday 14th June, 9am-4pm.
The Mary Allen Building, Cambridge CB2 8PQ
What does research tell us about what children learn through musical play?
How do adult partners encourage and provide opportunities for musical development?
Keynote speakers:
Prof David Hargreaves – Applied Music Research Centre, Roehampton
Dr Susan Rogers – Head of Early Years and Primary Education, Institute of Education, London.
This conference explores the nature of partnership in young children’s musical learning and experiences.
More information / call for papers: www.meryc.co.uk
For more information visit http://www.meryc.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Website: http://www.meryc.co.uk/