Hertfordshire Music Service / News / Mon 05 Sep 2016
6 new dancers needed (13-19yrs) for InPulse Youth Dance Company

Hertfordshire Music Service introduces...
InPulse Youth Dance Company 2016/17
A dance production group 13 - 19 year olds (school years 9 - 13)
6 NEW DANCERS NEEDED, for forthcoming productions including a curtain raiser for James Wilton Dance Company's professional performance in November 2016 at The Weston Auditorium. Performances by InPulse Youth Dance Company are already scheduled through to July 2017.
Please pass the following information about the company on to anyone you think may be interested in joining (Open session to try before you buy on Tuesday 20th September!):
Date: Tuesdays during term-time (plus some additional weekend and school holiday sessions)
Time: 6.00 - 8.00pm
Venue: Mid Herts Centre for Music and Arts, Birchwood Avenue, Hatfield, Herts. AL10 0PS
Suitable for: The company is open to any young person aged between 13-18 years (school years 9 – 13), who is interested in contemporary/creative dance. Any young person can apply regardless of whether they have had any previous formal dance training. The main criteria is an enthusiasm and commitment to working as a team to create dance work.
Workshop content: The weekly sessions are led by professional dancer/choreographer, James Williams. The Hertfordshire Youth Dance Company is run by Hertfordshire County Council through Hertfordshire Music Service. The company is a production company, in that its sole purpose is to run along the lines of a professional dance company to create, rehearse and perform dance. InPulse provides its members with a chance to develop their dance and performance skills, meet new friends and represent the county at local and regional events.
Cost: £80 per term
To join: email Carrie Washington at carrie.washington@hertsmusicservice.org.uk or call 07971 171061
News Location
Mid Herts Centre for Music and Arts
Birchwood Avenue,
AL10 0PS
Telephone: 07971 171 061
Email: carrie.washington@hertsmusicservice.org.uk